About Us


Junputh literally means The Peoples’ Path. It dates back to 2006 when Hindi blogging world had just started. It was initially started as a personal blog in Hindi that later expanded to lectures, opinion pieces, interviews etc. Junputh completed its ten years in 2016 and then lost its domain due to non-renewal.

It restarted in 2019 with the current URL as a community blog run by like-minded journalists, writers and friends. The original idea remained same as it was years before- to provide space for those writers and opinions who are excluded in the mainstream offline and online mediums. In the age of social media it has become more troublesome for serious writers to get their writing noticed and read by a larger audience. This has resulted in instant facebook posts and tweets rather than well thought articulated pieces.

Here Junputh comes into picture. 

Why English Junputh?

After a couple of years running Hindi platform it was felt that we could not do proper justice to those writers who write in English. Lack of resources and hands limit our capabilities to translate each and every piece that we feel important to disseminate. This was the reason an English subdomain was created for absorbing those pieces that were left untranslated hence unused.

Member of Progressive International

Junputh’s credibility as a peoples’ common digital platform was ratified by the Progressive International that gave it membership in its Wire Service which runs in many languages throughout the alternative world of Journalism. It also opened avenues for writers of Junputh to get translated in various world languages and reach up to a larger community of international readers. Likewise, Junputh too picks up content from PI Wire and re-publishes them.

Junputh’s page on PI Wire may be acessed here.

Sections and Social Handles

All the sections remain same as on Hindi Junputh. Social handles are same too including contact address: mailto:junputh@gmail.com