Politics of Disinformation: Launch of report and People’s Platform for Integrity of Public Discourse

In this context Future of India Foundation has released a report titled “Politics of Disinformation” on May 5, 2022 in Delhi. The report is in four parts: impact of misinformation in India (based on focus group discussions with youth in 8 states); overview of the current global research and thinking on misinformation; limits of current approach to misinformation; and way forward (recommendations).

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Why both the left and right have got it wrong on Ukraine – Žižek

What, exactly, does the ‘Europe’ the Ukrainian protesters are referring to stand for? It can’t be reduced to a single idea: it spans nationalist and even fascist elements but extends also to the idea of what Etienne Balibar calls égaliberté, freedom-in-equality, the unique contribution of Europe to the global political imaginary, even if it is in practice today mostly betrayed by European institutions and citizens themselves.

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